Sunday, December 27, 2015


Spreading The Joy of Bethlehem.
When the shepherds left the Holy Family
and headed back to their base, they sang
praises as they went back. People who
saw them must have asked the reason
for the joy they were expressing. If only the world understands the mystery
of his birth, we will never stop
celebrating. The truth is "Christ Jesus is
in our midst". Now its time for us to cast
all our anxieties aside and embrace joy,
let go of your worries and embrace the peace of Christ.
Be Joyful, be Happy, should anything try
to take away your joy, inform him that the
maker of heaven and earth is here on
earth, for your sake.
That for God so loved the world that he sent his only son to bring joy to the
sorrowful, hope to hopeless, wealth to
the poor, healing to the sick, salvation to
the sinners is "no joke".
From today onwards spread the joy of
Bethlehem. Tell people that God is the source of your joy, the source of your
strength. Tell people about Jesus.
Let your live be a Gospel to the nations.

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